• Pre-Show

    Set Objectives!

    As seasoned industry professionals, set your objectives for FESPA Eurasia now. You have to make sure your objectives are just as strong to support your strategies. Awareness, evaluation, conversion to sales and retention methods should be at the center of your goal and strategy. Analyze your existing databases and be aware of where you want to expand your reach. It is important that your objectives are clear, you should determine the actions you will take with the data you will collect during the show and plan your ability to measure this data in advance. Identify the obstacles to achieving your objectives and create realistic solutions.

    Give Importance to Marketing!

    As a participant, perform marketing activities to your target audience via banner, web page image or e-mail. Social media is the key to connecting with your customers and a wider audience in one click. You should attach great importance to timing in your marketing efforts and take care to create content that your target audience will understand about your products and services. You can create surveys, publish your whitepapers, and share your experiences with your customers through these channels.

    Invite Your Customers!

    Invite your customers to the fairground via email, direct mail, phone, social media or other means. You can mobilize your potential customers with effective promotional activities and campaigns before the show.

  • Onsite

    Be Invited, Register & Engage!

    Take care to invite your customers and potential customers to your stand and interact. It is especially important that you record and keep the information you receive from your potential customers. With the effect of being together physically while interacting with your guests, it is possible to ask your questions and understand their demands. Therefore, make sure you understand your customers’ needs as you interact and keep the necessary information in a format that you can access later.

    Show off Your Hard Work!

    You’ve spent months planning every inch of your awesome booth, and now it’s time to showcase it! Aim to ensure that customers have all the information they need and want more. In order to reflect the spirit of your team and your corporate culture, you should be kind to your customers at your stand, convince them about the quality of your product and convey your working style to them correctly.

  • Post-Show

    Three-day Follow-up Rule!

    Statistics say that 80% of the shows are not followed up! Make the necessary planning for your follow-up after the show in advance! You should contact your potential customers within 2-3 days after the show!

  • Advices

    Before the show, it is very important to create your risk plans regarding your stand and other problems you may encounter, to determine and evaluate your predictions realistically. If you make the right target, application and enough marketing activities and work with qualified personnel, there will be no reason for your show not to be successful!